Marti Cowan working with student.

Faculty and Staff FAQ


Yes, the SDC policies and procedures can be found here –

Faculty in the SDC are asked to follow the process identified in 6.3 Purchasing Guide when purchasing items for their course or their research.  Purchase requests are to be submitted to for processing.

NOTE:  If you are requesting to make a purchase outside of using course fees, grant funds, or startup funds, please coordinate with your Program Head to determine the appropriate budget to be used for travel. 

Faculty in the SDC are asked to follow the process identified in 6.4 Travel Guide and Checklist.  Travel arrangements and reimbursements are completed in a pre and post travel fashion in collaboration with the SDC Admin team.  The pre and post travel documents (including examples) can be found on the SDC website and in the SDC Faculty and Staff team on Microsoft Teams > Files > Travel Documents > Group and Individual Travel Authorization Forms.

On your computer, while connected to the internet (ethernet or Wi-Fi), complete the following steps:

  1. Go to “Start” (Microsoft logo) or the search bar at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Type “\\\SDC” in the “Search Programs and Files” dialog box and hit “Enter” or select “Open”.
  3. Double-click on “Carp_114_Cannon_C5860”

On your computer, while connected to the internet (ethernet or Wi-Fi), complete the following steps:

  1. Go to “Start” (Microsoft logo) or the search bar at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Type “\\\SDC” in the “Search Programs and Files” dialog box and hit “Enter” or select “Open”.
  3. Double-click on “Daggy_305_Cannon_4935”

The SDC does not have a “print center” that provides printing services for faculty or students, but they have created and published tutorial information on the WSU Knowledge Base website.  It includes the proper method for creating PDF documents from InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop as well as instructions for standard printing as well as printing to the plotters (bond or glossy).  Feel free to share this with students as/if necessary.  Additionally, there are QR codes posted on the door to Carpenter 425 and adjacent to the computers inside Carpenter 425.

Faculty, staff, and student organizations are encouraged to share events, student achievements, etc. on the SDC social media outlets.  More details and submission process can be found on the Social Media Submission Guidelines portion of the website.

If the issue is related to your work computer, an SDC classroom or lab, or an SDC media cart, contact VCEA IT support ( or Sloan 358 or 5-6773) or submit a “ticket” via

The roles and responsibilities can be found in 3 – POSITION DESCRIPTIONS AND STRUCTURE.  

Per the WSU Posting Policy postings in public access areas (hallways, stairwells, restrooms, entries, and lobbies) are to only be affixed to bulletin boards.  Postings may not be glued, taped, stapled to walls, windows, or floor surfaces.  Any postings not affixed to the bulletin boards will be removed.  The SDC does have a policy (7.2 Message Boards) to this effect as well.  It needs updating but is appropriate, nonetheless.

There are specific expectations around space usage of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor hallways.  We have received feedback from students and faculty regarding the use of the hallways.  Following the 2020 Fire Marshall visit to the SDC, a policy was implemented regarding hallway use in Carpenter and it is still in effect today.  This policy is/was designed to provide for student/faculty access to spaces while meeting the life safety aspects of the code requirements.  To clarify, the policy is…

  1. The 2nd floor hallway is not to be used for reviews of any kind.  We need to keep this open for access to 212, 225, and the restrooms for the CM students and design students in Carpenter 201.
  2. The 3rd and 4th floor hallway can be used for reviews, but they must be stand up reviews.  If people are to be seated during a review, they must be seated in the curved/recessed area on the west side of the hallway. 
    1. It is not acceptable to close the fire doors during the review.  We need to ensure students can get access to rooms off the hallway especially 425 for printing/computing help and the restrooms on each floor.
    2. It is not acceptable to place or hang objects (large or small) in the center of the corridor during reviews or similar.  The corridor width and height cannot be reduced to a size smaller that allowed by appropriate WAC code and/or Fire Marshal requirements regarding occupancy and egress.

It is suggested that (when possible) reviews take place in accordance with the above, in the studio proper, or the adjacent seminar rooms (204, 304, 312, 404, and 412).  The seminar rooms, along with 312 and 412, can all be scheduled or reserved.  The process for doing so can be found in the document (attached) or this  link to a file within the Faculty & Staff MS Teams site.  Thank you for your consideration, cooperation, and attention to this matter.


The Office of the Provost website has information pertaining to annual reviews (forms used, annual memo, etc.) as well as recommendations and a training video for using Activity Insight.

WSU provides 12 months of coverage for employees on less than 12-month appointments, provided the faculty or staff member will be returning to work at WSU following the Summer break.  Premiums for the summer months will be collected from the May 10 paycheck (life insurance premiums) and the May 25 paycheck (medical premiums and surcharges).  For more information, please go to

The WSU Modernization Team created a website with Workday resources and training opportunities for faculty and staff.

This information is available on the Office of the Provost website > Faculty > Career and Advancement > Professional Leave and Retraining.

This information is available on the Office of the Provost website > Faculty > Career and Advancement > Promotion and Tenure.

              Complete the following steps to view a payslip in the Workday system:

  1. Log in to the Workday system.
  2. On the Workday Home page, open the Global Navigation Menu in the upper left, and select the Benefits and Pay application.
  3. In the box under Overview and titled Most Recent Pay, select View Most Recent Pay link to view your latest payslip.
  4. Your latest payslip with earnings and deduction information is displayed on the Payslip page.

Note: On the Payslip page you can view previous payslips or print multiple payslips by selecting the relevant button at the top of the page.  Additional information can be found here –

WSU does not currently offer an official “9 over 12” option allowing faculty to distribute their pay over a 12-month period.  However, you can still use Workday to prepare for your “off months” by setting up an election that deposits a portion of your paycheck into a separate bank account, helping you save for the period you will not receive a paycheck from WSU.  Learn how by reviewing this new guidance for less-than-12-month employees.

All WSU faculty and staff who intend to park on campus will need to purchase a parking permit or park in metered parking (if available).  To explore parking locations, pricing, and purchase a parking permit go to and click on Parking Permit Rates or Annual Parking Permits.

To get a daily parking permit, go to and click on Daily Parking Permits.

No, unfortunately, the vanpool ceased operations due to the COVID 19 global pandemic and has not resumed operations.


Yes, please go to to learn what is to be included in the course syllabus and what is included in the University Syllabus (new – effective 7/25/2023).   There may also be specific policies regarding syllabi associated with accreditation requirements.  Please consult with your Program Head.

At the beginning of each semester, the SDC Administrative Manager will send you an e-mail for each course with a course fee.  The e-mail will include the account balance and indicate (in general terms) the appropriate uses available for the course fee.  Faculty are encouraged to work with their respective Program Heads to ensure proper usage of course fees.  For a course with an SDC prefix, please work with the SDC Director to ensure proper usage of course fees.

Yes, see the provided spreadsheet that has two tabs on the bottom.  One tab is set up as a Common List for an entire class project; the second tab is set up for Team purchases.

Faculty in the SDC are asked to follow the process identified in 6.4 Travel Guide and Checklist

In addition to the travel requirements above, faculty are expected to provide students with a class absence request form and students are expected to complete the travel student conduct form and/or participation agreement form for study tour courses if applicable.  All students are expected to travel “with the group”, however, students who elect to not use university provided transportation are expected to complete the travel assumption of risk and release of liability form.  All student completed forms are to be provided to the faculty member who then provides them to the Program Head and Administrative Manager.

Faculty in the SDC are asked to follow the process identified in 6.4 Travel Guide and Checklist

You can e-mail the Admin team at providing the name and e-mail of the visitor along with the date(s) a parking pass is required.  The Admin team will submit the request for a parking pass and connect the visitor with parking services.

If you are using a General University Classroom (GUC), there will be a sticker/sign at the podium with a QR code as well as contact information – 509-335-5044 or

If you are using an SDC classroom (Carpenter 201, 212, 220, 225, 301, 312, 320, 401, 412, and 420 or Daggy 1, 1A, 2, and Daggy 300), contact VCEA IT support (, call 509-335-6773 or submit a “ticket” via

There are two (2) methods for entering grades.  Grades can be entered directly into myWSU OR they can be synced between Canvas and myWSU.  Both approaches start with the Final Grade Roster in myWSU.

Navigation to the Final Grade Roster in myWSU: Faculty should go to Faculty Center, and then choose the My Schedule tab. This will present every course for grading.  TAs or others will need to find the Faculty Center by going to Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule.
Grading options:

Changing grades: Before the grading deadline (5 p.m. Tuesday, August 1st), change the approval status to Not Reviewed to change any grade. Select SAVE and APPROVED when you are finished. 

What to do if you have problems: Contact the Crimson Service Desk staff at, 509-335-HELP (4357), or online at

For additional information on posting grades, here are some “how to videos” provided by the Registrar’s office.

When entering grades, it is imperative that every student be assigned a grade and NOT left blank.  However, there are circumstances that may necessitate the use of something other than a standard letter grade.  The Provost’s office provides guidance for using an “X” or “Z” grade.

Per Academic Regulation # 90h – An incomplete is the term used to indicate that a grade has been deferred. It is for students who for reasons beyond their control are unable to complete their work on time. All outstanding incomplete work (including grades of “I”, “X”, and blank/no grade) must be completed and posted to the official transcript prior to the conferral of the degree. It is strongly recommended that students who are granted an Incomplete limit their total number of credits to 18 credits (including credits for the Incomplete course and any new courses) during the semester when they are finishing an Incomplete.  Students who receive an “I” grade have up to the end of the ensuing year to complete the course, unless a shorter interval is specified by the instructor. If the incomplete is not made up during the specified time or the student repeats the course, the “I” is changed to an “F”.  Instructors are required to submit an Incomplete Grade Report (IGR) to the departmental office with every “I” given. The IGR must specify conditions and requirements for completing the incomplete, as well as any time limitations less than one year.

Instructor support for Canvas is available via Global Campus and the Learning Innovations team. Support options and contact information can be found here –

WSU schedules all final exams via block scheduling.  Your final exam day/time should be indicated in myWSU (Faculty Center > My Schedule) but can also be determined using the Final Exam Master Schedule via the Registrar’s office website.  Select the appropriate semester and determine exam day/time based on standard course START time during the semester.  Final exams are held in the same classroom used all semester for lecture unless noted otherwise.

Per Academic Regulation #78 – No examinations or quizzes (other than laboratory examinations, make-up examinations and make-up quizzes) may be given during the last week of instruction. 

Per Academic Regulation #79 – A student will not be granted special examinations for the purpose of leaving the institution before the close of the semester.

All resources can be found at the Center for Community Standards website including the handbook, campus resources, and reporting forms.

There are numerous resources available on campus to assist students.  If the person is threatening to hurt themselves or someone else, call 911.  WSU recommends using the Student Care Network via the Office of the Dean of Students if the situation is NOT an emergency.  The link to submit a Student Care Network referral or find other student resources can be found here –

Circumstances and classes are different for everyone.  If you cannot get someone to cover your class, you could consider the “Don’t Cancel Class Workshops” provided by ASCC.  They can have a facilitator provide a workshop focusing on strengthening academic habits or career development and readiness.  Go to the ASCC website to learn more –

Generally, course materials should be provided to you if you are asked to teach a course that has been taught before.  Please coordinate with your Program Head and the faculty member who last taught the course (if possible).  NOTE:  There may be research associated content and/or assignments that cannot be shared/used by anyone other than the original faculty member.

Per the WSU Posting Policy postings in public access areas (hallways, stairwells, restrooms, entries, and lobbies) are to only be affixed to bulletin boards.  Postings may not be glued, taped, stapled to walls, windows, or floor surfaces.  Any postings not affixed to the bulletin boards will be removed.  The SDC does have a policy (7.2 Message Boards) to this effect as well.  It needs updating but is appropriate, nonetheless.

There are specific expectations around space usage of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor hallways.  We have received feedback from students and faculty regarding the use of the hallways.  Following the 2020 Fire Marshall visit to the SDC, a policy was implemented regarding hallway use in Carpenter and it is still in effect today.  This policy is/was designed to provide for student/faculty access to spaces while meeting the life safety aspects of the code requirements.  To clarify, the policy is…

  1. The 2nd floor hallway is not to be used for reviews of any kind.  We need to keep this open for access to 212, 225, and the restrooms for the CM students and design students in Carpenter 201.
  2. The 3rd and 4th floor hallway can be used for reviews, but they must be stand up reviews.  If people are to be seated during a review, they must be seated in the curved/recessed area on the west side of the hallway. 
    1. It is not acceptable to close the fire doors during the review.  We need to ensure students can get access to rooms off the hallway especially 425 for printing/computing help and the restrooms on each floor.
    2. It is not acceptable to place or hang objects (large or small) in the center of the corridor during reviews or similar.  The corridor width and height cannot be reduced to a size smaller that allowed by appropriate WAC code and/or Fire Marshal requirements regarding occupancy and egress.

It is suggested that (when possible) reviews take place in accordance with the above, in the studio proper, or the adjacent seminar rooms (204, 304, 312, 404, and 412).  The seminar rooms, along with 312 and 412, can all be scheduled or reserved.  The process for doing so can be found in the document (attached) or this  link to a file within the Faculty & Staff MS Teams site.  Thank you for your consideration, cooperation, and attention to this matter.


The SDC Research Committee has created a graphical flow chart (with active links) that can be used as a resource to better understand the process at WSU.

Yes, as indicated in the SDC Research Committee’s flow chart there is administrative support at the SDC.  The Admin team will review the RFP for technical understanding of grant requirements. They will also assist faculty with budget development and provide an analysis of the concept paper, scope of work and budget justification for consistency with RFP.  Once completed the Admin team will process the final submission of the eRex and documents to ORSO.  For assistance, please send an e-mail to that includes the funding agency proposal and any other pertinent information.

This level of support is not available within the SDC, however there are outside resources for document editing services (for a fee payable by faculty member funding).  Contact the Admin team if you need contact information.  NOTE:  Due to the many possible variables, work with the Admin team to determine how your editing services might be expensed.

The uses of startup funding (negotiated at time of hire) are outlined in your offer letter.  To make a purchase please follow the process identified in 6.3 Purchasing Guide.  Purchase requests are to be submitted to for processing.  To secure travel please follow the process identified in 6.4 Travel Guide and Checklist

The SDC Administrative Manager will send you a quarterly report (after expenses have posted) with your account balance.  If you need the information more urgently, please e-mail Kate Barnes at to request your startup account balance.

In Workday, type CR GRA Award Lines Budget to Actuals Summary into the search bar and then click on CR GRA Award Lines Budget to Actuals Summary under “Tasks and Reports”.  A pop-up will appear, and you then need to enter the Award number and the Grant number.  Click on OK at the bottom and the report will be generated.