Social Media Submission Guidelines


Faculty, staff, and student organizations of the SDC.


Faculty, staff, and student organizations are encouraged to share:

  • SDC related events
  • showcases of both student work and faculty work
  • achievements of alumni/students/faculty/staff
  • interesting snippets from lectures
  • employment and internship opportunities announcements of competition winners
  • and anything else which shows the culture and excellence expected within the SDC


SDC is currently operating an Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Submissions will be shared to one or multiple platforms depending on the target audience. Students generally pay more attention to our Instagram, parents and alumni tend to see the Facebook, and alumni and professionals view our LinkedIn.


WSU information: This information is for the Social Media Team’s eyes only. Your information will not be shared. At the top of your submission please include:

  • Authors name/ point of contact
  • WSU position or student status
  • Program affiliation or major
  • Student club affiliation (if applicable)
  • Type of content (I.E. events, student work, etc.)


Please provide a caption for the post. Try to be inviting by using upbeat language and include a call to action. Keep the caption under 100 words. The web team may suggest edits to the caption if we find it necessary.


  • Images, at least one, must be provided. Alternatively, you can also supply a graphic or poster with relevant information.
  • You may provide us with multiple images or infographics if necessary, but no more than nine please.
  • Instagram uses a square format for their images so design any graphics or imagery with that in mind. Not everything has to be a square but the closer we can be to that shape, the easier it is to work with.
  • For both Instagram and Facebook, the SDC uses a graphic template for posts with images and posts without images. You may choose to use a photo or graphic or both. In the case of imageless-posts, you may select the color of the graphic. You may view our Instagram to see live examples.
  • You may choose a font to use in your post. This font must be an official WSU font. We recommend Proxima Nova or another sans serif font. Read more about WSU typography at on our brand website.
  • The Social media team will review posts to ensure they meet required ADA accessibility level 2 standards. You can read more about these standards on the ADA website. The Social Media team will manually create alt text for submitted materials.
  • Images should be submitted as a jpeg.

Short video content is also welcome. The videos, however, will not have the graphic template we use for images. They will be posted exactly as they are submitted. We will not edit the video in any way. Videos will be reviewed to assure video content is appropriate before posting. Videos must be submitted as an MP4. A full transcript of the video must be provided, OR the video must be fully subtitled. The Social Media team will add the transcript to the Instagram post.

In the case of all posts, we may suggest edits if we find something which violates Instagram’s or Facebook’s terms of service or may be potentially offensive.


If you are announcing an event please include:

  • Name of the event
  • Date and time and location (include addresses)
  • Duration (Provide a start and, if possible, an end time)
  • Include if there will be refreshments, catering, or other attractions
  • Price of entry (if applicable)
  • Prominent speakers, noteworthy visitors, sponsors, or other eye-catching information
  • Provide an RSVP if necessary. Provide a point of contact for viewers to speak with if needed (name, email and/or phone number; WSU contact info only)
  • Give us a brief description of the event
  • Also let us know the audience of your event. Will your event be open to the public, to just students, or just a select program?


Please submit your event and/or social media requests to the SDC Communications email by Noon on Friday a week before your event. Events will be included on the VCEA Events Calendar which populates to our SDC website home page. Social media requests will be posted the following week. In the email subject line, please include the name of your post, a comma, then the type of post (event, student work, etc.)