The minor in architectural studies requires a minimum of 18 credits of which at least 9 must be upper-division and taken in residence at WSU or through WSU-approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. To be eligible to apply for the minor a student must have completed SDC 120 and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. Additional requirements include: SDC 140, 250, 350; ARCH 309; and 3 credits of 300-400-level ARCH coursework.

Confirmation of acceptance into the minor will be sent to students at their WSU e-mail address from

Architectural Studies Minor Application

  • Enter your WSU email in the field below.
  • Enter the month/year you plan to graduate.
  • You must be admitted/certified in your major BEFORE submitting this application.
  • Have you completed SDC 120?
  • In the space below, describe your plan to complete required courses for the minor (indicate fall, spring, or summer semester and year): ARCH 309, SDC 140, 250, 350, and 3 credits of 300-400 level ARCH coursework. NOTE: due to enrollment limits during the academic year, SDC 120 and 140 may need to be completed during the summer for students who have not already taken them for an SDC major.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.