Construction Management Accreditation


The B.S. Construction Management degree program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). According to the ACCE:

The primary goal of ACCE is to promote and improve construction education in colleges, universities, and workforce education programs. By working together through ACCE, people representative of the total construction community and the public at large, construction educators and constructors, establish and maintain standards and criteria for accreditation, provide guidance to those programs seeking to achieve accredited status, and carry out the accreditation process.”

Specifically, accreditation of a construction education program by ACCE assures

  • students and prospective employers that the program has met stringent industry standards of content and quality
  • that program graduates have been provided a quality education enabling them to perform a broad range of professional responsibilities
  • the construction industry and students that the program performs periodic self-evaluations to keep current with emerging technologies and requirements of the construction industry

Read more about the Advantages of ACCE Accreditation.