Policies + Procedures


The School of Design and Construction Policies and Procedures Manual (SDCPPM) helps establish systems, processes, and directions that guides both the day-to-day operations of the School of Design and Construction (henceforth: SDC) and sets forth best practices for faculty, staff, and students to assist its ongoing management and success.  This manual also helps provide the backbone for shared governance and administrative transparency in accordance with the SDC’s integrated mission and collaborative spirit.

The policies and procedures herein were created progressively from the founding of the SDC in 2011, but the vast majority of policies were crafted from 2014-17 by the SDC Leadership Team.  For certain policies requiring additional oversight beyond the SDC (e.g., SDC Tenure and Promotion Guidelines), specific processes and dates of adoption are called out in the documents themselves.

The relative newness of this manual (as well as the school itself) suggests, at a minimum, that the entire SDCPPM shall be re-evaluated for relevance and specifics at five-year intervals.  However, any specific policy may require updating in a far more rapid fashion to address new concerns or to adjust for unintended consequences for the policy-as-written, and, ideally, the entire SDCPPM will be reviewed by the SDC Leadership Team on an annual basis.  Adjustments to existing policies or new policies may be made by the SDC Leadership Team in accordance with the rules set forth in 3.2 – Leadership Team in this manual.  A handful of “policies” contained herein are actually RFPs, waivers, or applications which require signatures and/or updating annually to ensure correct dates or circumstances prior to distribution to faculty, staff, or students.  When and if such forms are needed for distribution, users may contact SDC administration for those forms as word documents, printouts, or fillable forms.

This manual is compiled for the specific operations of the SDC, and to assist faculty, staff, and students with particular scenarios unique to the SDC.  However, many of the documents herein are further supported by policies at the level of the college or university.  For further clarification, those updating, enacting, or acting upon any aspect of this manual may wish also to consult the latest versions of other documents to ensure compliance.  These include the WSU Faculty Manual, WSU Academic Regulations, WSU Academic Integrity, WSU Safety Policies and Procedures Manual, Educational Policies and Procedures Manual (EPPM), and the WSU Business Policies and Procedures Manual (BPPM), all of which are accessible online, and many from the following site:  https://policies.wsu.edu/.

For several program-specific policies and procedures, such as assessment reports, accreditation reports, advisory board bylaws, program strategic plans, handbooks, curricula, and certification requirements, users are encouraged to consult the drop-down menus on the SDC website (sdc.wsu.edu).

This manual was adopted by SDC Faculty and Staff in May 2017; minor revisions June 2018.