Interior Design Minor


The minor in Interior Design requires a minimum of 16 credits of which at least 9 must be upper division and taken in residence at WSU or through WSU approved education abroad or educational exchange courses. To be eligible to apply for the minor, a student must have completed either SDC 100 or SDC 120. Additional requirements include I D 215, I D 350 and minimum of 6 credits of 300-400 level approved I D or SDC coursework. The I D minor advisor will approve course of study.

Confirmation of acceptance into the minor will be sent to students at their WSU e-mail address from

  • Enter your WSU email in the field below.
  • Enter the month/year you plan to graduate.
  • You must be admitted/certified in your major BEFORE submitting this application.
  • Have you completed SDC 100 or 120?
  • In the space below, describe your plan to complete required courses for the minor (indicate fall, spring, or summer semester and year): SDC 100 or SDC 120; I D 215, I D 350 and minimum of 6 credits of 300-400 level approved I D or SDC coursework. NOTE: due to enrollment limits during the academic year, SDC 120 may need to be completed during the summer for students who have not already taken it for an SDC major.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.