Director’s Message September 2020

I write this school update from my house in Pullman where I have been working remotely since March earlier this year. While our eyes are tired from being on Zoom, our hearts are optimistic about the future.  We face unprecedented social, environmental, economic, and political challenges and opportunities today. I publicly commend our faculty, staff and incredible students for demonstrating resilience, commitment, fortitude, creativity, and innovation during this shift to remote learning and work. Despite not being in physical contact this semester, we are finding ways to effectively teach and ensure students are well prepared for professional practice and future employment.

Teaching, researching, and learning remotely takes more time and energy than doing so face-to-face. Therefore, I am actively searching for ways to support the faculty and students. However, we are having to reduce expenditures to meet the state budget cuts. How can you help?

The school is asking for your financial support in two priority areas:

  • First, Adopt-A-TA is a program that supports additional teaching assistant positions in the school. Your donations allow our faculty to have the advanced undergraduate and graduate student TA support they need to manage larger enrollments and virtual environments and aids TA students with much needed employment. Also, students in the classes benefit from additional support from teaching assistants.
  • Second, the school asks for your support of Student Distance Learning Scholarships. COVID-19 has caused some students and their supporters to lose income due to job loss, reduced hours, or illness.  We are seeking financial support for these students so they can have the resources they need to successfully complete their education.

Please donate to the Adopt-A-TA and Student Distance Learning Scholarships by visiting the GIVE page of our website.

I thank you for your continued support of the school and its programs at WSU. Together we can design and build a better future environment that is healthy, safe, inspiring and prosperous.

Onward Cougs!

Digital signature for Ryan E. Smith.




Ryan E. Smith
Director and Professor
School of Design + Construction