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Scholarships and Assistantships


To be eligible for scholarship consideration and to ensure your eligibility for the widest range of scholarships and need-based financial aid:

NOTICE: Due to 2024-25 FAFSA/WASFA rollout delays, the WSU General Scholarship Application deadline and FAFSA/WASFA priority dates have been extended to May 1.


The assistantship application for positions in the fall semester is typically available in April. For positions in the spring semester, it is typically available in October. The Graduate School maintains a website for Current Job Openings and Funding Opportunities throughout the year.

All applicants for admission to graduate programs in Architecture or Interior Design must apply separately to be considered for assistantships and scholarships. Funding is extremely limited and priority goes to current graduate students, or new graduate students entering from an undergraduate program at WSU. External applicants are not normally considered for an assistantship or scholarship until their second year in the program.

Graduate assistantships and scholarships do not automatically renew from one academic year to another. For scholarships, students must submit the general application by January 31 in order to be considered for the following academic year. For assistantships, students must apply each semester.

The School reserves the right to offer assistantships and scholarships to students based on available information and in the best judgment of the faculty and administrators in the School. Students offered an assistantship or scholarship will be sent a letter describing the terms, payment, and, whenever possible, the assignment for the assistantship. If the offer is not accepted in writing by the date indicated in the letter, the assistantship or scholarship offer will be reassigned to another student.

Graduate assistantships are employment situations. They are not merit awards, nor are they based primarily on financial need. Graduate assistants normally work 10-20 hours per week, usually beginning one week prior to the start of the semester and ending one week following the end of the semester. Graduate assistantships normally involve providing support to faculty and staff for teaching, research, and/or program administration. Position descriptions and availability vary from year to year.


Undergraduate and graduate students may apply for academic practicum credit for a variety of positions available each semester. Academic Practicum (max 4 credits): 1 credit = 3 hours/week; 2 credits = 6 hours/week; 3 credits = 9 hours/week; 4 credits = 12 hours/week. Preference is given to students with a GPA 3.0 or higher and who have earned a grade of B or better in the courses selected. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of commitment and reliability, mastery of subject matter, and prior experience. TAs will be assigned according to the availability of positions and preference of instructor(s) teaching the course. Students selected for positions will be expected to complete mandatory training (FERPA, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment) and agree to the terms and conditions of working as a TA.

  • Come prepared, organized, and on time to class
  • Grade and return homework in a timely manner
  • Be available to meet with students as needed
  • Assist instructor with course-wide administrative tasks
  • Attend all required TA meetings
  • Behave in an ethical and professional manner at all times.

Questions? Contact Jaime Rice.