Summer 2024 Directors Message

Dear SDC Community, 

Summer is here and it’s very quiet in the School of Design and Construction and Pullman.  As I sit at the computer, I fondly reflect on the whirlwind of activities at the end of the semester – portfolio reviews, advisory board meetings, capstone events, design reviews, and engagement events.  These are wonderful opportunities for engagement among students, faculty, alumni, and industry partners that serve as a reminder, that despite the chaos, the rewards of being an educator are visible in every interaction.  At this time of year, we also congratulate our graduates and celebrate the many successes of those in the SDC.   

This summer newsletter allows us to showcase activities and accomplishments over the last half of the year.  Our students continue to engage locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally via conferences, competitions, and study programs.  Students who choose to engage in these opportunities acquire skills and knowledge that benefit them as students at WSU and the experience gained serves them in their careers.  I cherish the moments I’ve had over the years to chat with alumni and hear the impact of these opportunities. 

Portrait of Hala Barakat.
Hala Barakat

This year we were actively searching for new faculty to join the SDC.  We are excited to announce that we successfully hired two new faculty – Hala Barakat joined the Architecture program as a new tenure-track faculty and Dan Cronan joined the SDC via the WSU cluster hire program (Social Justice and Food in the Built Environment).  Hala and Dan bring several years of teaching and research experience, enabling them to contribute in the classroom and beyond.  We are excited to see what the future will bring for the SDC! 

Should you like to see/hear about the programs in the SDC, please check out these promotional and recruiting videos for the SDC, Architecture, Construction Management, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.  We continue to receive wonderful feedback from students and parents who are exploring WSU for their education.  Please share them with any prospective students you may know as well as anyone who might be interested in the SDC or our programs. 

Portrait of Dan Cronan.
Dan Cronan

Thank you for your continued support of the SDC.  Your engagement in the classroom or studio enhances our ability to provide an excellent education to our students. The generous donations you provide to the School enable us to provide resources that result in student, faculty, and staff success.  Our alumni, industry partners, and friends of the School are instrumental to our success…thank you!   

I am excited to announce that the inaugural SDC Director’s Challenge was a success – we surpassed our goal of $30,000 and, with a happy heart, I submitted my match of $3,000.  As a result, I am continuing the Director’s Challenge and encouraging alumni, industry partners, and friends of the SDC to help us garner needed philanthropic support for our students, faculty, and staff.  My personal commitment to match donations (between now and June 30th, 2025) up to $3,000 will continue as well.  The SDC is a truly special place with wonderful people.  I am constantly impressed with the work our faculty, staff, and students produce on a regular basis…so much so, that I’m willing to contribute to achieving this goal.  To learn more about this challenge, please go to:   


Jason's Signature.

Jason B. Peschel 
Associate Professor | Director 
School of Design + Construction