5.7 Procedure to Request Gallery/Exhibition Space

  1. Check exhibition schedule.
    1. Check gallery exhibition schedule with front desk (Carpenter Hall 118). Exhibition schedule will be updated whenever new reservations are made.
  2. Reserving exhibition.
    1. Contact the gallery manager to make reservations and discuss your exhibition details. Generally, exhibits will be rotated every four-weeks, and reservations are made on a first-come-first-served basis.
    2. In the event of multiple requests for the same time period, the gallery manager will try to work with faculty to find a compromise on dates/locations to accommodate all requests. However, if a compromise can’t be reached, the gallery manager will forward requests to the Leadership Team to decide which exhibit best serves the mission of the SDC.  Every effort will be made to accommodate all requests.
  3. Exhibition details.
    1. At the time you make your exhibit reservation, the gallery manager will offer assistance with a wide variety of optional services including, but not limited to: overall gallery space design, exhibition installation and take-down, opening reception coordination, poster design, and publicity. Faculty can choose to accept all, some, or none of the services; however, whatever agreement is reached during the initial reservation will be adhered to throughout the duration of the exhibit as last minute changes/additions may be difficult to coordinate.
    2. The gallery manager reserves the right to make adjustments to exhibition displays during the installation or duration of an exhibition to ensure the gallery space maintains a professional appearance and remains free from safety hazards.